              “The noble purpose of which is to get gamers to shed those unwanted pounds.”  This is a direct quote from Nintendo Wii and what their intentions are for making Wii Fit.  They like to refer to it as less of a video-game and more of a “fitness coach,” even though in the end it’s still a video-game.  The main areas that Wii Fit focuses on are strength training, aerobics, yoga and balance.  They have games that fit into each category as you can see shown on the Wii Fit box.

            As I looked up articles to see statistics on the results of Wii Fit for people who continuously use it, I found a specific article about a man who experimented using Wii Fit for 41 days straight and lost 15 pounds.  He said he easily "played" (exercised) 30 to 60 minutes every single day.  Although after his experiment, he like many other people in the world got consumed in his life and didn't have "time" to exercise.  We all are too busy with school, or work, our family/friends, and other activities that we let ourselves lose track of the importance in being healthy.  Are we fit? No.  According to WedMD, in 2009, a study showed that 63.1% of adults are either overweight or obese.  Technology is one of the top three contributors to obesity in children, which makes it much more prevalent to be obese as an adult.
          With video games being something a lot of people enjoy, thinking of a way to implement exercise into them was a great idea.  However now as a generation, we need to take that initiative to use the resources we have.  If we don’t have time to fit in 30 minutes of exercise, then we’re too busy.

Kristi K.

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    Kristi K. is studying Business Marketing and minoring in Communications at Bethel University.


    January 2013


    Noah E. is an undergrad student at Bethel University. He is majoring in Biokinetics with an emphasis in humanenergetics.


    Josh T. is an undergrad student at Bethel University. He is majoring in Biokinetics with an emphasis in humanenergetics and desires to pursue a career in the chiropractic realm.